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Main results achieved

2001 - First Infopoverty World Conference & First Infopoverty Exhibition at Cattolica University in Milan with the President of the Rotary International.

2002 - Support the initiative of the Government of Honduras to expand the Village Model in the more advanced program COMUNITEC, in the border region of  Trifinio, improving, at low costs and in a short period, the social and economic conditions of the community.

2004 - The OECD published a Paper in order to disseminate the Best Practices of OCCAM in the field of Sustainable Development through ICTs.


2005 - During the WSIS in Tunis, the Infopoverty Programme and OCCAM were invited to develop a series of avant-garde initiatives, through:

  • the implementation and management of the Summit’s television, WSIS-TV, with a staff of Navajo operators, previously trained for the Navajo program – Infopoverty antenna;

  • the launch of a specific cooperation MoU for the realization of the Indigenous people program, in collaboration with ITU;

  • the realization of an experimental ICT Village in Borj Touil, as an operative demo for the applicator model in Honduras and Southern Lebanon, previously validated in WSIS 2003 in Geneva;

  • the launch of the WSIS-Infopoverty Seminar, chaired by the Tunisian Minister for Cooperation, Ben Mammouth. The seminar was widely promoted by the media and attracted the interest of various Governments, including Madagascar, for which its President asked for the launch of the ICT Village.

2008  -  Discussion on the emergency of low-cost market technologies and encouragement of companies and governments to boost this process. On this occasion, the Infopoverty Programme presented its accomplishments in the network of the ICT Villages, created in Peru, Southern Lebanon, and Lesotho.

2013 - A discussion on the empowerment of people and nation-building throughout innovation took place at the ECOSOC AMR in Geneva, where OCCAM-Infopoverty was invited to expose the e-services experimentations (e-learning, telemedicine, food security) applied to the ICT Villages’ network, at the Innovation Fair.

2014 - The launch of the e-MedMed Project on telemedicine. The Euromediterranean Conference on Cinema and Communication is also organized by OCCAM in the wake of the Barcelona Agreements. The practical realization of e-services is the main topic studied in parallel by the Euromediterranean Conference and the Infopoverty World Conference. While the former is focused on the specific framework of the Mediterranean region, the latter has a broader global range

2016 - Infopoverty Seminar at COP22, Marrakech, Morocco. During this event, the World Food Security e-Center was validated after a preliminary validation at the 16th IWC (2016, April).

2019 - Selection of the 3D Robotic Building System at the "Resilient Home" Challenge, promoted by the World Bank and UN Habitat. The project aims at supporting families in disadvantaged areas thanks to its low cost and high capacity of inclusion in terms of easy auto-construction facilities. Indeed, it uses a new 3D Robotic Technology to create different housing typologies for slum recovery and emergency, making it possible to realize thousands of dwellings a day at a minimum cost.

2020 - OCCAM organized the first session of the Conference during the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, focusing on the implementation of SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. It was underlined how only 2% of the total world population holds the vast majority of the global wealth, and how endemic inequalities lead to three-quarters of the planet living in absolute poverty. 


Moreover, in 2020 OCCAM organized the launch of the Linking East and West African farming systems experience into a BELT of sustainable intensification - EWA-BELT Project under the European Horizon 2020 Programme. The Project aims at developing Sustainable Intensification (SI) of agriculture productions in organic, agroforestry, and mixed crop and livestock farming systems in 38 study areas of 6 countries belonging to EAST (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania) and WEST (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Sierra Leone) Africa.​​​​​

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